After graduation I went on to marry and have three children. The marriage didn't last but later on I found my husband, Bill, whom I have been married to for 34 years. Between Bill and me we had five children. But unfortunately, in 1995 we lost a daughter to chronic health problems. However, we have been blessed with nine grandchildren, and one great granddaughter.
My college education included undergraduate classes at Northwestern Michigan College and later on I received a bachelor's degree in business administration and senior management from Cleary College (presently known as Cleary University). My husband, Bill, retired in 1994 following thirty years with his company and I retired from General Motors Proving Ground in Milford, Michigan four years later completing twenty-six years of service. We moved to Tennessee in 2001 where I can actually say this is when retirement fun started!
We live in Fairfield Glade Resort which has five 18-hole golf courses. Bill and I are both golfers and enjoy playing weekly with our friends. We are also active in our church of over 900 members and are leaders to one of the many shepherd groups which represents our fellowship program. My other pleasures are studying the bible, tap dancing, rug hooking, playing the organ, performing at our local community playhouse, belonging to a red hat group, scrapbooking, line-dancing, and playing cards with friends.
Enclosed is a picture of Bill and me celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary this year in Panama City Beach, Florida. My husband will be attending my class reunion with me and we are looking forward to being in Michigan this summer.
Nita Hawes