Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Vic & Sherma Jillson

After graduation, joined Air Force spent 4 years. Attended Weber State Univ. Graduated in '7.  I worked for Fed Government for 30 years retired in '93, married and 5 kids, 12 Grands and 4 G-Greats. 

Opened a Scuba shop in '93 spent the next 10 years traveling and diving.  Living in Utah and very active building homes for kids and family, Running a small home based business,
Mary Wagaman, Becky Walton - 2/15

Mary Wagaman and Becky Walton at their 20 yr. reunion in Seattle.  The 2 Becky's met for the 1st time in 47 yrs.
YIKES....My 74th Birthday! Glad we are all growing (older) together! Mary W.
If I Didn't Care
From Mary Wagamon - 7/18
Enjoy the website, pictures of lunches!  Two daughters: Rebecca, Debbie - Carson grandchildren - Ellie, Sophie, Georgia.
Thanks for keeping us in touch.
Many good wishes,

Mary Wagamon
John & Bonnie Champagne

Retired USN 3 years. Retired field engineer BAE Systems. Married 48 years, 3 children, 11 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren.
Mike Harris

After graduating from MSU in '63 I spent the next 28 yrs in the hospital supply business in the Chicago market.  My wife, Karen and I had one child, Michael Jr. in '66.  Took an early retirement deal in '91 and relocated to Richmond, VA to start a new Mfr. rep. business which lasted 10 yrs.  Since our son and his family were living in CO, we decided to relocate there to be grandparents to Sean 7 and Payton 5.

That brings things pretty much up to date.  Haven't been back to TC since my mother died in '01
Joseph Chile

I live in Acme, MI with my wife Lorna of 46 years.  We have 2 sons, 3 grandsons, 3 granddaughters and 1 great grandson.

I retired from Tower Automotive 7 years ago and enjoy working around the house and going to the U.P. and getting together with friends.
Phillip Hubbell

Pastor of Emery St. Church
Connie (Coddington) Rice

For 25 years I worked in various secretarial positions (MSU, Pontiac Motors, and Oldsmobile) until my youngest was born. I have two children, a girl and a boy, and two grandchildren. They live in Grand Rapids and Indianapolis. Since my husband passed away from lymphoma going on three years ago, my focus has been on maintaining my home and lawn, visiting my children, and when the mood strikes, I try to compose piano music. Some is pretty good, but most needs a lot of work. It's fun, though. Looking forward to the reunion.
Frank & Sandra {Sandy} (Hanell) Steiner

Since 1987 with Frank's work transfer from Grand Rapids, MI. I'm in the Medical Field, Patient Service Rep. with Customer Service title for General Practice.  We have 3 grandchildren (all girls)
Lynn & Nancy Enyart

In 1962 I married Nancy Craker and we have two sons and two granddaughters who reside in the Portland, Oregon area.

Following graduation from Michigan State University in 1963, I became a Police Officer with the Oakland, California, Police Department where I remained until receiving an appointment as a Special Agent with the
Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1967. I served twenty-five years as a Special Agent and Supervisor in Colorado and Oregon, retiring in 1992. Upon retirement I began a Private Investigation/Security Consulting Business in Oregon which I operated until 2001.

In 2002 Nancy and I built a summer home in Northport and we now split our time between Michigan and Oregon.
Bill & Trudy Gallihugh

50 years you say?  Unbeliveable.  Anyway, here's what I've been up to in that all-too-brief moment…

After college, I spent 4 years in the Air Force - mostly in Germany where I met Trudy, my wife of 45 years.  When we returned stateside, I spent 25 years as an engineer with GTE in Muskegon, Ft Wayne, Indianapolis, and Dallas.  After retiring from GTE, we returned to Indianapolis (Carmel) where I worked 4 years for RCI as Planning Manager, then 8 years with EFS as VP of Info. Tech., and ultimately as a Systems Consultant.  The final retirement seems to have stuck.

We spend much of our summers traveling around the country to antique car meets, rallys, and shows (I've been restoring and driving MG's since 1963).  In the winter I keep busy with web site development for non-profit organizations, and a bit of furniture making.  We have two daughters - Cindy, a Psychologist in Muncie, Indiana, and Nancy, an Audiologist in Kalamazoo. I look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.

Bill Gallihugh
Bill & Joan (Fisher) Mc Cool

Bill and I will have been married 47 years this September.  We have one son and two daughters and five grandchildren. 

Since Bill's retirement from his ENT medical practice twelve years ago, we have been spending six months in the Hill Country in Texas and six months on Cedar Lake in Traverse City.  We keep busy with family, friends in both states, our labrador retrievers, golf, hiking, boating, computer classes, and community volunteerism. 
Bill continues to keep current in medicine, attending meetings and doing an occasional locum tenens.  I most recently have become a guardian ad litem for CASA (court appointed special advocate) for abused and neglected children.  I am looking forward to the 50th class reunion!
Bill & Juanita (Cox) Hawes

Dear Traverse City Central 1959 Classmates,

It is so hard to believe that it has been 50 years since I graduated from high school; time sure passes quickly. I appreciate Garry and Marlene Curtiss keeping me informed by email on this year's coming events for our class reunion and look forward to seeing everyone who will be attending. I realize it takes a lot of people to plan and organize an activity this large and I appreciate everything you are doing to make it pleasurable for all of us.

After graduation I went on to marry and have three children. The marriage didn't last but later on I found my husband, Bill, whom I have been married to for 34 years. Between Bill and me we had five children. But unfortunately, in 1995 we lost a daughter to chronic health problems. However, we have been blessed with nine grandchildren, and one great granddaughter.

My college education included undergraduate classes at Northwestern Michigan College and later on I received a bachelor's degree in business administration and senior management from Cleary College (presently known as Cleary University). My husband, Bill, retired in 1994 following thirty years with his company and I retired from General Motors Proving Ground in Milford, Michigan four years later completing twenty-six years of service. We moved to Tennessee in 2001 where I can actually say this is when retirement fun started!

We live in Fairfield Glade Resort which has five 18-hole golf courses. Bill and I are both golfers and enjoy playing weekly with our friends. We are also active in our church of over 900 members and are leaders to one of the many shepherd groups which represents our fellowship program. My other pleasures are studying the bible, tap dancing, rug hooking, playing the organ, performing at our local community playhouse, belonging to a red hat group, scrapbooking, line-dancing, and playing cards with friends.

Enclosed is a picture of Bill and me celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary this year in Panama City Beach, Florida. My husband will be attending my class reunion with me and we are looking forward to being in Michigan this summer.

Nita Hawes
Monty & Joyce Oliver

Retired from banking after 43 years.  My wife, Joyce and I have been enjoying retirement.
Gary & Judy (McKinley) Braun

Both retired, our lives revolve around U of M sports and Community Bible Study.  Guess who does which?
Gary & Judy Deceased
Judy (Toerper) Gucciardo  8/18/24

Thanks, Garry.  My phone number, address, e-mail address is the same.
Grandchildren are grown up. I now have 5 great grandchildren, ages 10 - 1.
My oldest great grandson, Caleb, is an outstanding golfer. It is fun to watch him play.
I took his father, Dan to play golf at age 10.

I am going to attend our reunion, remembering Marlene and how hard she worked on the reunions for so many years.
I miss her very much.

My grandson and great grandson.
Judy (Toerper) Gucciardo
Judy (Toerper) Gucciardo
925 W. Allen Rd, Howell, Michigan. 48855

Sandy Neumann (Ebbage)  8/18/24

Greetings to all in our class still moving forward and most grateful to be alive,

I live in Marin County just outside San Francisco. My husband John and I are mainly focused on our plants, quail(multiple birds), family and friends. Not necessarily in that order. We are in relatively good health.

I have been involved with an organization, Health Care For All, for the past 11 years. We are trying to get a public health care system in California. We have come close but the financial clout of the for-profit insurance companies and investors has a stranglehold on legislators. It is not all gloom and doom, we finally have some legislation supported by the state to move this along. Hope springs eternal. Old age brings radical acceptance.

Thank you Garry for keeping us in touch.
Be well,
Sandy Neumann (Ebbage)

Bill & Mary Heidbreder  8/18/24

We are still alive at this age.  Had many visitors in MI with daughters from St. Louis, MO, Scottsdale, AZ, San Franciso, CA, with family and with son from New York City with family. 

Bill Heidbreder                Email:
Cell: (314) 265-8377        Cell: (314) 265-8377
3454 Halliday Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63118

MI (Summer June til end of September)
12685 Marina Village Dr.
Unit #16
Traverse City, MI 49684

Mary Heidbreder
Cell: (314) 369-6939

Char (Fouch) Graves  8/18/24

Hi - this is Char (Fouch) Graves

I am doing well. I live in Peachtree City Georgia near my three children and four grandchildren. I'm very busy with friends, activities and travel and am in good health. I lost my husband in 2020 - we had been married for 57 years. I'm very lucky to have had so much support from family and friends.

I hope the 65th reunion is a big success!
Gary Burkholder 8/18/24

Gary Burkholder  married to Sharon Weigand Burkholder
              11801 Evergreen Street
               Fife Lake Michigan  49633 
Retirement life has created so many positive memories as a member of  the 1959 high school class that met monthly for lunch for the past 24 years.  We have shared stories with each other and supported each other during tough times that occur for any senior. On a more personal note  we purchased a lakeside home  in 1978 and it has been  enjoyed by our extended family (two adult children and four grandchildren and their spouses). Sharon and I have spent the winter months in Florida or Alabama since 2000.  We are eager to meet our classmates in September and look forward to this celebration that took 65 years to arrive.
Chuck Smith  8/19/24

      My wife and I are both retired and living in the same house we have for the past 50 Parma Michigan.  I retired as a middle school principal in 1997 and now we own another house in Florida, which is where we live 5 months of the year.  Our son is a computer geek making a pretty good living out of other peoples goofs!!

     Email is still the same...Phone number is still the same.  Golf game suffers now that I have lost some weight and are going through chemo treatments.  However, I still play 5 days a week when we are not traveling.
    We do not make it up to Traverse City any more since my parents and my brother are all gone.  But we continue to root for the Trojans.

Chuck Smith
Skip (John) & Connie Linnerson   8/20/24
Married to Connie for 62 years
       2 married daughters, Carrie and Tammy
       5 graandchildren, 4 great grandchildren

Enjoy traveling  - have been fortunate to visit several overseas countries and many states in the USA.  I enjoy my time in my woodshop where i can  help out those needing a hand with a project and also making a variety of wood gifts for family and friends.
I have to pick and choose activities after having several back surgeries, but I manage to do most all things that are needed.

Enjoy family get togethers and active in church.  I'm thankful for the years of retirement I have been given.