locate me. I believe the main reason being is that they did not spell my name correctly in the Year Book. My name was LOIS GEYER in the Year Book, which was incorrect. My CORRECT NAME WAS: "LOIS GOYER". (However, I have been invited to several Class Reunions in Bellaire and I did attend a couple of them. However, I was not able to attend the 50th one this year)..
Jon Williams was one of my Supervisors in the Laboratory in one of the hospitals in McKinney, Texas and I thought that when he found out that we graduated together that he would have let someone know where I was. (I did not even recognize him when I went to work there and he didn't recognize me) After leaving that hospital I moved to California. I do know that he has attended several of the reunions. I have moved around a lot through the years but have always managed to stay in touch with a few people. Unfortunately have not stayed in touch with anyone from Traverse City.
I was married to my first husband for 25 years and I had four children with one child dying at 2 Days old. I divorced him and three months after our divorce he passed away. I remarried and have been married now for nearly 17 years. We lived in California until he retired from Sempra Energy (So. California Gas Company) where he was a Systems Programmer. My present husband also has four children but their Mother is still living and is in Iowa. All of our children get along with both of us so we are very fortunate there. I have a daughter (41) who is a school teacher in Texas. They live in Plano, Texas but she teaches in Allen, Texas. I have a son (37) who is an Insurance Adjuster for an Insurance Company. He lives in Frisco, Texas which is about nine miles from my daughter. I have another son (38) who lives in Arizona near the Grand Canyon and he works for Grand Canyon Airlines. He was in the service and was over in Desert Storm. Between my husband and myself we have 11 grandchildren with only two of them belonging to my husband. I have two grandchildren in Bremerhaven, Germany. While my son was in the service he was stationed over in Germany and married a German girl. They are now divorced but she stayed over there. However, my husband and I get over there to see the grandchildren about every two years. ( And of course, there is the Internet!)
Six years ago my husband retired so we moved here to Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas where we could keep a closer eye on my father who just turned 93 years old yesterday. My mother drowned here in a flood they had in 1982. My husband and I have done some extensive traveling through the years including all 50 States, the Panama Canal, the Caribbean, South America, Africa, Most of Canada including Nova Scotia, NewFoundland, Churchill to see the Polar Bears, Australi, New Zealand and Scandinavian Countries including Russia, Most of the European Countries, plus many more places. We love to travel. However, since moving here we now own a Retail Store, a Bowling Alley, and have several rentals. We don't have too much time to travel anymore. Have you ever heard of "The Bucket List"? Well, my husband and I have done all that and then some. We are most fortunate to be able to have done so much.
One of my most memorable times was when I lived in Alaska for three years. I was working for the State of Alaska and dearly loved it there. I was up there during the huge Good Friday Earthquake and that was quite an experience. Luckily I was in Juneau where there was not so much damage as Anchorage and other places. My husband and I have driven the Alaskan Highway and taken a Cruise up there since I lived up there. We would both love to go back again.
Garry, I am not quite sure but I think that you used to live across the street from me. Weren't you living on a corner white house near the school? I thought it was you, maybe not! Anyway, whomever it was had a green convertible MG, Corvette, or something like that!!! I don't think those are the names of the kind of car it was but I can't think of it.
Sorry, I wrote a book! Don't know if you remember me or not but I do remember you. Some friends of mine that I was pretty good friends with were, Jacquelyn Diday, Betty Dreves, Sheldon Cole, Sharon Bickle, Shirley Challender, Roger Carroll, Ruth Ann Hall, Herb Lemcool, Melinda Wysong, and Barbara Jo Skinner to name a few. Speaking of Barbara Jo, while I was living up in Alaska I was walking down the street and noticed a couple walking towards me. As I got closer I thought they really looked familiar. Then all of a sudden the man yells out, "Lois, What on earth are you doing way up here?" It turned out to be Roger Skinner. I had him in a couple of classes at Northwestern Michigan when I went there. Anyway, he was teaching at Mt. Edgecumbe Jr. College in Sitka and invited me to come and visit them sometime. So, I flew up there one time and we had a great time with some of the students from the college and we went hiking up Mt. Verstovia, went and found Star Fish out in the Bay, etc. A lot of fun!
Well, I must sign off for now. I hope that you remember me. (You did sign my class book!) Oh! Another very good friend that I am sure you know was Leo Arthur. However, I am sure that no one knows me anymore, except I am corresponding with Charlotte Fouch Graves once in a while now and she remembers me.