KEN BANNEN - (his comment - "my spouse - Beautiful Bonnie - will be coming with me.) Retired since '98 as School Superintendent. Two children and no grandchildren.
VIVIAN BELLFY - (Vivian accidentally sent me her Paris, France reservations, so I asked her if this was her first trip to Paris.) We have been to Paris several times (probably 8 or 9 times, including the Millennium). We had neighbors in Scottsdale who lived in France during the summers. They started inviting us over and subsequently fell in love with the Country. Our one son is married (we have 2) and has a little girl named Sophie. They live in Phoenix. Needless to say, she is the love of our lives. Never having had a daughter, it is so much fun. Sophie is four and we love to play "princess".
SHARON BOSTWICK - Married 37 years to the same guy. 2 children; 5 grandchildren.
MARY BRADEN - John and I are retired and loving our lives, just celebrated our 43 wedding anniversary. We are new owners of a sweet little cottage on Green Lake at Interlochen.
PATSY BROWN - (The question - "What is happening in your life?) A whole heck of a lot of golfing and gardening!!
PAUL J. BROWNSON - Still employed by the Dow Chemical Company (30 years); both daughters married; 2 grandchildren so far.
GARY BURKHOLDER - Retired as Professor Emeritus from Ferris State University. See you for our 50th!
JOHN CHAMPAGNE - I am sorry to say I cannot attend this year, but I will let you know what has happened to me since graduation. I, of course, went into the Navy on Submarines and retired with 30 years. I then went to work for BAE Systems as a Field Engineer working on U.S. and British Submarines. I retired after 15 years with them and decided to build a new home in Helena, Montana. I am still married after 42 years to the former Bonnie L. Mills. We have two grown children and an adopted daughter, this also includes ten grandchildren.
SHELDON COLE - (1) Semi-retired; (2) Two grandchildren, both born with the last year; (3) Active in AMBUCS
ADRIAN COLEMAN (Our Exchange student from New Zealand) - The Coleman family recently sold their house after thirty-five years occupancy, and recently visited Tasmania and Melbourne. Adrian recommends it as a great place for a relaxing holiday. Climbing is still Adrian's preferred recreation and his guide, who is an American, keeps wanting him to climb Mt. McKinley. Off season Adrian kayaks and caves. At the 150th anniversary celebrations of Adrian's boarding school in March he went out in a rowing VIII for the first time in forty-seven years. "What a marvelous feeling! Akin to putting your foot hard down in a 1959 Ford Thunderbird!"
RONALD COOK - Retiring after 47 years in bakery. Married 43 years; two adult children; three grandchildren; Live in the beautiful Southwest area of New Mexico and will retire there.
EDDIE DEWAR - This June I retired for the 2nd time (School Bus Driver - Elk Rapids Schools).
DIANE DUMBRILLE - Terry and I have a Custom Home Company. 4 grown children, 3 grandchildren.
CARL ELLSTON - Senior Engineer for Raytheon Techn Services Company. Scheduled for retirement in February.
NANCY FEIKER - Sounds like a fun 45th reunion is planned. Wish I could attend....However we will happily be attending our daughter's wedding in Salt Lake City, Utah.......See you at the 50th.
JAN GOHLKE - Enjoying retirement, traveling across country in motor home, fighting the critters on the ole farm.
JUDY GRANT - Moving back to Traverse City. Husband Ron just retired. Looking forward to the reunion.
BILL GREENE - Not retired!! Currently Chief Execution Officer of Catalina Island Medical Center in Avalon, California.
AARON HARDLEY - My wife Barbara and I have a coffee business in Minneapolis. We have lived in Minnesota since 1972, but still enjoy watching the Wolverines on television. As part of our business we go to festival sites, and the August weekend (first full weekend of each August) is a huge country music festival in northern Minnesota. We will be busy making fruit and coffee smoothies.
ROSELLA HARVEY - 3 sons - 5 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren. Live in Florida for 32 years. Husband works for Sheriff's Department. I'm unable to come for the reunion for health reasons.
KAREN HAWKINS - In April of 2001 we packed up and sold our home in Rochester Hills, Michigan, and moved to Santa Clarita, California, which is near Valencia, California. Our son Tim and wife Tiffany have a 2 year old "Ellie" and expecting Kassy. We moved to be a support to them and for the warm weather. Our oldest daughter "Kim" moved with us. Sorry we can't make it back because our granddaughter "Maggie" is graduating from Holly High School which we will be attending and we had a trip planned to England in July before we knew of the reunion. I'm sure it will be enjoyable for all. Tell all "Hi" for me.
WILLIAM H. (Buc) (Bill) HEIDBREDER - I am still working at National Geospatia-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in research and development.
LARRY HELMICK - Recently promoted to Senior Professor of University at Cedarville University.
BARBARA HOPKINS - We retired and moved to Mendota, Virginia, 15 miles west of Bristol, Virginia, in the hills.
JERRY JEROME - Retired - 9 grandchildren. Busy training Labrador Retriever (Chocolates) pups and catching salmon. Please give my regards to all. Thank you.
ANDY KINGDOM - Retired in 1996 from General Motors. I will try to make it to the reunion next time.
REG LANCASTER - Left Woodside Church in Flint after 17 years. Just finished merging 2 churches in Detroit. Now assisting churches in transition. 3 grandchildren.
HERB LEMCOOL - Country Commissioner - 5th Term. First Great-granddaughter; 16 grandchildren; 6 children; President of C & H Maintenance Service for 42 years.
JERRY LEWIS - Has a framing and photography business in Manistee.
DOROTHY LINDSEY - No kids, lots of pets. Husband just retired, me a few years ago. Basically, we goof off, eat and play a lot! (Dorothy was in Northport to visit her parents recently and several of us got together at the home of Karla Case. We had a delightful time - goofed off, ate, and played, and laughed a lot!)
JOHN LINNERSON - Retired this year from Grand Traverse County Road Commission after 31 years. Elected Trustee of Long Lake Township.
SHARON LOGSDON - I'm in the process of moving back to the midwest. Won't make the reunion this time - please say hello to all from me. Thanks. Sharon.
CHARLES LUHRS - I am single now but spend most of my time in Romania. I am retired.
TOM LYON - Barbara and I will attend, even though this is Harbor Days weekend! We're still enjoying our retirement!
JEAN MANNOR - Retired - Live 6 months in the Clearwater Lake area and 6 months in St. Paul, Minnesota. (Jean and her husband were planning on coming, but she just broke her wrist and will be unable to attend now. We're so sorry!)
SUZANNE MARTINSON - My husband, Cass, and I celebrated our 40th anniversary in June. Cass, a neurologist, left the Medical College of Wisconsin this past year to pursue his interests in healthy aging and the brain and memory. I am still a full-time faculty member in the College of Education at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee. Our children live close by in Chicago. Kristin and her husband, Seamus, gave us our first grandchild, Shane Patrick, this past Christmas day. Our son, Sean, also lives in Chicago and will graduate with his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in October.
NOEL JEAN MAZUREK - I am still on Social Security Disability and unable to get around. My health has been very bad.
JOANIE McCOOL - Retired, spending winter in the Texas Hill Country. Hiking in Texas and Traverse City area and boating on Lake Michigan. Four grandchildren. (Joanie wrote that she could possibly have company from Texas on Saturday, but she hopes to attend the reunion. (Thank you for the $25 for expenses if you cannot make it.)
MARY JANE McCOOL - My husband and I are cruising on our boat and will probably be away on August 7th. I will contact you if we will be in T.C. Thanks for the invitation.
DOUGLAS McGREGOR - Married, 17 year old son at home. 3 sons grown and married. 5 grandkids (1 on the way). Semi-retired from Home Building Business.
JUDY McKINLEY/ GARY BRAUN - We remarried January 25, 2002. Gary retired in February, 2002 from Farm Bureau Insurane Business. Judy is a lung cancer survivor and will retire this month - June, 2004 from her teaching position in the Ann Arbor Public School system.
SUSAN MEAD - Married 43 years; 2 daughters - married; 3 grandchildren; Traveling with RV every winter and now permanents in a condo in the swamp south of Naples, Florida. Summers here in Traverse City. Raised our family in T. C. Life is skipping by and we are enjoying it.
PETER MONTAGUE - Divorced. New address (see address sheet).
TOM MORAN - Retired August 1, 2000. Now live in a cabin on farm property south of Bates.
JAN MOUTSATSON - Still active with own companies. Volunteering and doing some traveling.
KAREN NICHOLSON - Our jobs, 3 daughters and 7 grandchildren are always keeping us active and "young". We are anticipating retirement a year from now; myself from an elementary school and Larry from MSU. We just celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary with a trip to Florida.
DONALD PARKER - Carolyn and I are both retired.
WILFRED (Bud) PETERS - Playing golf. Travel. Swimming. 6 grandchildren which keep us busy. We will be in Michigan in late August or September to visit my Dad.
JANET ROGERS - My children are all married. I have two grandsons. I tried retirement for two months and now I'm back to work.
BARBARA SLEDER - Sorry I can't make it this year but I'll be in Russia - can you believe it?!? Enjoying my house in Manistee, close to Lake Michigan, traveling the world, helping mother (90 in September) and working in the Emergency Department in Ludington. (Barbara's mother passed away after she sent her reservation in to us.)
DICK SLEDER - Thanks to you, Herb, and your committee, for organizing this 45th reunion. You do a wonderful job. Sally and I will not be able to attend this year, but greetings to all and we wish you well.
I retired about a year ago after 30 plus years with Mercury Marine, but continue to work part time as an electrical engineering consultant. I really like this situation because I am able to ease my way into retirement and avoid the abrupt change that, I understand, can be difficult to adjust to. I also have more than enough time to pursue my watercolor painting hobby, golf, and other activities..
We recently traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia to visit our son and his family. St. Petersburg is a beautiful city and it was a memorable trip. After witnessing first hand the extravagant living style of Czars and Czarinas one has a much better understanding of bolshevism and the revolution of 1917.
Enclosed is a picture of Sally and I taken at one of Catherine the Great's palaces in Pushkin. Pushkin is just west of St. Petersburg and marks the furthest advance of Germany army during WWII. (The picture is on another page in this book.)
CHARLES SMITH - Retired M. S. Principal - Springport MS. Michigan.
MARY SPRINGER - I am so sorry I will not be able to attend. Summers in Wyoming and Montana I volunteer on archaeological digs where I am learning all sorts of new skills like using a GPS and satellite survey gear. I absolutely love learning about where prehistoric hunters camped over 8000 years ago. They were just like us but without the ease of our modern conveniences. I have already put on my calendar to leave August 2009 free for our 50th reunion. Thank you for thinking of me and kindest wishes for a successful event August 7.
DAN STAINFORTH - Beth and I spend six months in Venice, Florida and six months in Elk Rapids. We have 5 grandchildren from two to 11.
SHARON K. SULLIVAN - We are active in 5 different groups. Retired - if you can call it that. Get to travel with latest trip to Alaska in June.
JUDY TOERPER - I retired February 1, 2004, and spent the month of February in Florida. I have 9 grandchildren ages 21 - 2. They are all in this area and that is why I have not moved back to Traverse City.
MICHAEL TOUSLEY - Retired; 4 grandchildren.
NOREEN TOWNE - I have recently remarried and my husband David and I are enjoying condo life. This winter we were away from the snow and cold for 7 weeks and that was a treat.
MARY WAGAMON - Single (darn!) Retired - and working at my kids; fun summer farm/horse camp - ski, enjoy island life. 7 grandchildren! Best wishes to all! (Picture on another page in this book.)
TERIN L. WALES - I retired from teaching high school mathematics in '98 after 35 years. Then I expanded my part time building business to full time.
BECKY WALTON - My Mother, Helen Walton, died May 11, 2004 at age 93. I know many high school friends knew and loved her, so thought you would want to have this update. She sure enjoyed all the comings and goings of our lives and loved having my high school friends stop by at the house on Sixth Street. She made everything fun. I appreciate Sue and Gary Beck inviting us all to their home. Thank you to all of you who work on this event. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
ELLIOTT WEITZ - Recently moved to Arizona. His father is 95 and lives on his own and is doing fine. He lives in Traverse City part of the time and the other part lives in Arizona. Elliott has 2 grown sons. One is an actor, and one is a radiologist. Elliott is in telemarketing. He will try to make it to the 50th class reunion and his father's 100th birthday celebration.
SHELBA WETHY - I will not be able to make it to the reunion this year as I have a previous commitment that day. I met and married Gerald Sandahl in 2001 and we moved to Bellaire. However Gerald died September 10, 2003 of cancer. I will be moving back to Traverse City soon. (Shelba has taken "Rawling" back as her last name.)
JANE WILKINSON - (Written by husband, retired dentist, Norm Fred) - Jane knits and tells me what to do. You can give our e-mail address to anyone. Everyone else on earth knows it. See you there.
BOB WOODROW - My wife Barb (Novak) retired from Occupational Therapy. She is currently working as an Interior Decorator, and is a member of the Community English Handbell Choir. She is enjoying our 8 month old grandson and is having fun fixing up our cottage in Traverse City. I am retired from Kalamazoo Public Schools (1999). Presently employed with a Publishing Company. ALSO enjoying our grandson. Play a lot of golf and enjoy tennis and boating. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.
JACK WRIGHT - Retired, working with Habitat for Humanity and moving to Tennessee.
SHEILA WYATT - Have moved from Honolulu to Walkoloa on the big island; slowly retiring from the travel industry and have recently obtained my real estate license.
DEANNA ZEITS - Got the post card about the class reunion. My Lord, where does the time go? I do plan to attend, but I wanted to give you a change of address. In November we sold our home in Mississippi, and are full-time RV'ing. We are currently in New Mexico (Feb. 2004). It is amazing how many retired folks our age are doing this. We actually belong to a club of them, called "Escapees". We are enjoying our new life style and look forward to seeing the country.