We, the Senior Class, being of sound mind and body, do hereby set forth this, our last will and testament, in the hope that our beneficiaries will be inspired to at least attempt to equal the record we have established as the finest class to graduate from Central High School. Whereas, we, the Class of 1959, are about to pass on, we direct that our funeral expenses be paid from the treasury of the Class of 1960.
Item I
We, the graduating Class of 1959, do hereby give our deepest thanks and appreciation for all that he has done for us, to Dr. Glenn Loomis.
Item II
To Mr. Novak, Mr. Johnson, and the Classes of 1960, 61, and 62, we will that brand new school.
Item III
The old high school we will to the Class of 1963 and all succeeding junior high classes, in the hopes that they will take good care of dear old Central High.
Members also make individual bequests to wit:
I, Caryl Anderson, will my good times in and out of school to Karen Blakslee.
I, Judy Arthur, will to Marcia Clark all of my cute boy friends, plus one slightly used Christmas formal, in hopes that she will go next year.
I, Linda Ashby, will to the next co-op student my place in Mr. Olson's class.
I, Sara Bacon, will my seriousness and false pride to Mr. Oberlin.
I, Sharon Bickle, will all my lessons in technique to Mary Bendickson.
I, Sharon Bostwick, will to Mr. Wilson all of the times that I was late to Economics.
I, Rolene Brock, will to Mr. Oberlin my sociology notes and all the syllogisms that I couldn't understand.
I, Sandy Brown, will my ability to bowl to Janice Campbell.
I, Paul Brownson, will my early morning study hours (2 A.M.) to any fool who will take them.
I, Marie Campbell, will my ability to get into trouble to Liz House.
I, Helen Canfield, will my comb to my sister Elaine so she won't have to borrow it all the time.
I, Roger Carroll, will my running ability to any girl that needs it.
I, Ford Wynn Carter, will my big hands to Mark Delanty, who will find them useful in his underworld activities.
I, Karla Case, will the smelt fishing sight at Bowers Harbor to Terry Bryant.
I, Jack Champagne, will to Mr. Oberlin my flirting ability; to Mr. Wilson my social ability, and my dirty locker to anyone who will clean it&
I, Anne Marie Chilson, leave to my cousin, Francis Haase, my Economics book in hopes that she will take good care of it.
I, Adrian Coleman, bequeath my old school text books and rusty bicycle to the waters of Grand Traverse Bay.
We, Sue DeHaan and Viv Bellfy, will to Mr. Schubert all the notes he didn't get his hands on in 7th hour World History.
I, Ed Dewar, will my safe driving ability to Ken orth.
I, Larry Ealy, will all my photographic knowledge and skill to D. H. Munro, the school photographer, and to all my future successors on the Black and Gold staff.
I, Danial William Exo, being of sound mind, will my good moods to Barbara Louise Longcore.
I, Jacqueline Fort, do hereby will my ex-boyfriends, who are still eligible, to Mary Ann Wuerth.
I, Char Fouch, will my ability to keep out of trouble to Andrea Schall.
I, Bill Gallihugh, will my quiet disposition to Miss Pagel.
I, Pat Gorcyca, will to Mickey Molohon my fabulous 3-day diet.
I, Carol Grant, will to Mrs. Kinney my love for fellow human beings.
I, Barbara Gray, will my ability to blush easily, at the wrong times, to Nancy Stults.
I, Ruth Ann Hall, will all the bugs in biology class to Sally Longcore.
I, Sandy Hanell, will Mrs. Kinney's smile to all girls who will be taking clerical training next year.
I, Mike Harris, will to Walt Oberlin, "the diamond in the rough," my ability to get along with the girls in sociology.
I, Rita Harris, will my inability to get along with Mr. Munro to Linda Lewis.
I, Janice Hart, will my ability to get along with Mr. Svec to Donna King.
I, Karen Hawkins, and the "gang" will our ability to throw impromptu parties to Jessie Cook.
I, Suki Hazzard, will my ability to go steady to Sue Burns..
I, William Henry Heidbreder, will to George Ambrose McCarty one bent straight-faced putter.
I, Patricia Helferich, will to Mr. Svec the used gum in my desk. May he keep it for future use with fond memories.
I, Annetta Hendrickson, do leave my bass viol to Margaret Trepte,
I, Judy Herkner, will to the Peninsula gang all the watermelons out of my watermelon patch--if there are any,
I, Nancy Hiatt, will my second chair in senior band to Liz Hendrixson,
I, Betty Hoch, will to my sister, Violet Hoch, my seat in Mr. Stier's second hour law class.
I, Barbara Hopkins, will my ability to have a good time in my senior year to Jean Houghton.
I, Francis Hughes, hereby will all my money to my car because that's where it goes anyway.
I, Bobbi Hunt, will to Pete, the janitor, my singing and dancing ability, what very little there is, in hopes that he may join the chorus next year and be in the operetta. He tried so hard this year.
I, Mary Johnson, will all my ability to get along with teachers to Nancy Lappo.
I, Andy Kingdon, will January 18 to Jeanne Stafford. She may also have the back seat of my Ford to add to the rest of it.
I, Marilyn Kroetsch, will my ability to get along with Mr. Svec to Betty Herkner,
I, Bev Lautner, will to June Skiver my ability to catch the milkman..I,
I, John Linnerson, will my red hair to Connie McCain.
I, Sharon Logsdon, will one bottle of "My Sin" to the Group.
I, Jim Martin, will my used flash bulbs to Dugi.
I, Linda Mathison, bequeath all my theories to Sally Norton, in complete confidence that she will spread them with vigor and enthusiasm to anyone who will believe them.
I, Sharon McCall, will my long fingernails to Jessie Cook.
I, Jack McCoy, will to Walt Oberlin my Narcissus complex to add to his own.
I, Marlene McCuen hereby will my great scientific knowledge to Mr. Munro, hoping he will put it to good use and quit making his frogs live on welfare.
I, Brian James McGregor, will to Bob Longcore all my horse-riding ability.
I, Douglas McGregor, will to Jim McCall the wrinkled fender on my car.
I, Judy McKinley, will the bump on the end of my nose to anyone who wants an extra foot,
I, Lucy Mericle, hereby will my ability as a computer-button-pusher to the friend of the next JETS Club president.
I, Pete Montague, hereby will to Terry Bryant, Susan Sommerville, the best looking girl on the school ground.
I, Tom Moran, will to any underclassman the combination of my padlock. Someone borrowed it the other day and it isn't much good without the combination.
I, Bob Moyer, will my football jersey numbers 98 and 6L to Dave Pink, hoping that they wont be too small for him,
I, Sandi Nelson, will my church key to Jessie Cook,
I, Beverly Neufer, will to Nancy Hume my graceful ability to jam my fingers between the keys of a typewriter.
I, Jay Neuman, will my private eye ability to Dugi. I, Tom Newkirk, will my height to Marge Burdine.
I, Loreen Norris, will lots of fun to those going into the new high school.
I, Don Parker, in sound mind and body, will my Model A Ford to Martha Wilber and Carol Gray for elections only.
I, Ann Paynter, will to Judy Ryktonen my reducing machine.
I, Julie Perrin, will my front seat and loud voice to soft-spoken Dennis Sporre.
I, Robert Podleski, will my sweet temper to anyone that wants it.
I, Barbara Porter, will all of A to B, all of C to A; therefore, all of C belongs to B and Mr. Oberlin can have B exclusively.
I, Lee Rawling, leave all my love to Dugi.
I, Linda Ray, will my Michigan Rambler pencil to Connie McCain.
I, Ben Rufli, leave my sax in the dance band to any fool who wants it,
I, Marvin Schavey, will my grandfather's pick-up truck to Dennis Schavey.
I, Karen Schmidt, will my curly hair to my little sister, who sorely needs it,
We, Diane Scott and Karen Schmidt, will all our good times to Priscilla Crawford.
I, Marlene Sheldon, do hereby will my three sharp-shooting targets to Anita Higelmire.
I, Judith Sipperley, will to Letitia Smith a set of false fingernails to replace her broken-off ones.
I, Barbara Jo Skinner, will my Spanish trill to any Spanish newcomer with no tongue.
I, Charles Smith, do hereby will my skiing ability to Dick Swan, Dick Bohn, and Bud Zue; my bowling ball to "Tiger" Bryant; the eighth-grade girls to John Hicks; and Alvin, my proudest possession, to John Beall.
I, Karen Smith, will my singing ability to my sister Carol.
I, Bonnie Somer, will all the grasshoppers I can find to Charlie Brawn.
I, Solveig Sorum, will my Norwegian temper to Mr. Gerard.
I, Carolyn Stephan, will to Jeanne Stafford the good times we've had at the dances, and the gas we used to get there.
I, Judy Stowe, will June Skiver my government book.
I, Mary Struble, leave my bad studying habits to the outer world. Mike Tousley, will to Dave Dague my basketball ability.
I, Jack Underwood, will all my modern knowledge to the Class of 1960. I, Terin Wales will my curly hair to Pearl.
I, Terry Wells, leave locker number 113 to lucky Myron Steffes.
I, Bob Woodrow, will my ability to skip school and give good alibis to Bill Fisher, who could use a few new ones,
I, Jack Wright, will my verbal ability to anyone that needs it,
I, Virginia Yon, will to Jessie Cook my ability to write fake excuses and get away with it.