TCHS Class of '59
Where We Are in 2009
Of the 320 people on the Classmates List, 46 are deceased and there is no address available for 17 others.
Of the remaining 257 classmates, 162 live in Michigan.
Of those living in Michigan, 111 live in or near the Traverse City area.
Those who moved away from Michigan live in 29 states in the U.S. One lives in New Zealand.
Of those who moved away from Michigan:
* Sixteen live in Florida
* Fourteen live in California
* Seven live in Arizona
* Six live in Wisconsin
* Four live in each of these states: Minnesota, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington
* Three live in each of these states: New Mexico, Indiana and Illinois
* Two live in each of these states: Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Montana and Texas
One person lives in each of these remaining states:
* Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah and
* One lives in New Zealand.
The numbers don't add up perfectly because five people have addresses in more than one state.
Compiled by Charlotte Graves