Well, here it is at last, the day we have all looked forward to for four years. For most of us the fun of those four years has passed by so quickly that it seems like only yesterday that we were Freshmen in the halls of Junior High. As Freshmen our student government was headed by governor Lee Sheffer. Our class officers were Doug Linder, Emil Dolan, Joanie Fisher, and Sue Halladay (Sheffer). Our class advisors were Mrs. Bade and Mr. Geist. With the help of our newly selected cheerleaders, Mary Wagamon, Judy Toerper, Judy McKinley, Ann Paynter, and Becky Walton, our teams came through with a won three, lost four record in football and a won nine, lost one record in basketball. In the spring, many of our class members took an active part in the success of the track team. Lyle DeYoung and Mickey Joynt represented our class on the ski team. Our Watchbird editor was Sara Perkett, who got our class off to a good start on publications. Our more talented class members took part in the band and orchestra. Our year was climaxed by the crowning of our Freshman Queen, Bev Hessem, at our first big dance, the "Spring Fantasy."
The next fall, as Sophomores, we took our proud stand in the halls of Senior High. Leading us as we boosted our teams on to victory were cheerleaders Judy McKinley, Mary Wagamon, Becky Walton, Judy Toerper, and Debbie Smith. Our J. V. football team came through with a glowing record of five wins and one tie. In basketball, we won nine and lost four. Representing us on the Varsity basketball team were Bob Woodrow and John Carroll. Mickey Joynt again represented us on the ski team. Serving us as class officers were Leo Arthur, Jerry Springer, Jane Wilkinson, and Rita Trager. Our class advisors were Miss Beaty and Mr. Krull. Our special project as Sophomores was selling magazines to raise money for our class. The high salesmen were Bill Heidbreder and Sue Martinson. Representing us in the Student Council Exchange to Bay City were Ione Southworth, Jerry Springer, and Jane Wilkinson. Many of our class members took part in the activities of the orchestra, choir, and the band which received a number one rating in Class A at the District Festival. In the spring many of our class members took part in the successes of the track and baseball teams.
Our summer vacation passed quickly and we soon found ourselves back in school again as, not so high, but mighty, Juniors. Serving us in our student government were Leo Arthur, Brian McGregor, Sara Perkett, and Ione Southworth. Our advisors were Mrs. Smethells and Mr. Bacon. We were represented on the Varsity cheerleading squad by Mary Wagamon, Judy Toerper, and Judy McKinley. Many of our guys took an active part on the Varsity football team which won five games and lost three. Terry Garn, our classmate, was chosen as the most valuable football player of the year. Our basketball team was rather green, but the boys worked hard so that the next year's team would be just that much better. Spring sports turned much better. Some of our class members did a lot to give us very fine baseball and track teams. Again this year many of our classmates played an active part in the orchestra and band. The choir put on an operetta, "The Pirates of Penzance." Junior class members who took outstanding parts in it were Garry Curtiss, Don Jacquish, Bobbi Hunt, Julie Perrin, and Marlene McCuen. Our Junior play "Onions in the Stew," was very successful. It starred Rita Trager, Carl Parsons, Ann Paynter, and Judy Bannon. Representing us in the Student Council Exchange to Alpena was Becky Walton. Our class took an active part in the first annual Science Fair in Traverse City. John Gallagher won grand prize. In the spring we worked enthusiastically on our Junior Prom, "Sayonara." The beautiful Japanese scenery was a perfect setting for a bridge, tearoom and fountain. Also this spring, the National Honor Society and Quill and Scroll honored many of our classmates. Elected to the National Honor Society were Leo Arthur, Judy Arthur, Paul Brownson, Ione Southworth, Mary Jane McCooll Kay Chimoskey, Wendy Wardell, Sheldon Cole, Jane Wilkinson, Rita Trager, Sharon Logsdon, Lucy Mericle, Louise Clune, Marlene Sheldon, Becky Walton, Sara Perkett, and Linda Mathison. In January, Sara Bacon, Sara Perkett, Sharon Logsdon, and Carl Parsons were initiated into Quill and Scroll. Kay Chimoskey, Judy Bannon, Marie Campbell, and Becky Walton were initiated in May. Representing us at Boys' State were Leo Arthur and Doug Linder. Doug was honored as an outstanding Boys' Stater. Our Girls' Staters were Kay Chimoskey and Becky Walton. Our busy Junior year was completed when Sara Perkett was sent to Switzerland for the summer, as an American Field Service exchange student.
At last we were Seniors. With the help of our government teachers we started the year off with a vigorous political campaign. Brian McGregor was elected governor with Bob Woodrow as vice-governor. Leo Arthur was elected president for the third straight year. Doug McGregor was elected vice-president, Rita Trager, secretary and Solveig Sorum, treasurer. We selected Mrs. Smethells and Mr. Gerard as class advisors. Our Varsity cheerleaders, Judy Toerper, Mary Wagamon, and Judy McKinley helped us cheer our football team on to a won six, lost two record. Our Homecoming Queen was Barbara Gray with Joanie Fisher, Nancy Feiker, Suki Hazzard, and Sue Mead as members of her court. In November we held our annual Government Day under the guidance of Mr. Wilson. We invited many other outlying schools to participate. Our Christmas formal was "La Nuit Des Cloche" or Night of Bells. It was decorated with silver bells and angles on a pink background. Elected to the National Honor Society first semester were Betty Dreves, Diane Dumbrille, Char Fouch, John Gallagher, Mary Lee Hendrixson, Don Jaquish, Dorothy Lindsay, and Judy McKinley. Many of our classmates participated in the band which took a first place rating this year. Our basketball team came out with a record of nine wins and five losses. The Senior Class Play, "The Late Christopher Bean," was a huge success. It starred Rita Trager, Sheldon Cole, Diane Scott, and Marie Campbell. We held our second annual Science Fair and John Gallagher once again won grand prize, this time for his electronic computer. Representing us in the Student Council Exchange with Alpena were Ione Southworth and Dan Stainforth. The choir presented the operetta "Oklahoma" this year. It was an overwhelming success. Singing leading parts were Solveig Sorum, Aaron Hardley, Patsy Barner, Don Jaquish, Garry Curtiss, Ed Dewar, and Jon Williams. Ski team members this season were Dorothy Lindsay and Sandy Ebbage. For her outstanding qualities, Sara Perkett was selected as our D.A.R. representative. By this time we had all become to know Adrian Coleman, our American Field Exchange Student from New Zealand. Adrian has taken an active part in our school activities. He was a member of the track team and had a part in our Senior Class Play. Elected to the National Honor Society in the spring were Carolyn Moran, Annetta Hendrickson, Dan Stainforth, Tom Lyon, Joan Erickson, Adrian Coleman, Bev Neufer, Joanie Fisher and Sara Bacon. Initiated into Quill and Scroll were Paul Brownson, Pat Gorcyca, Sheldon Cole, Betty Dreves, Annetta Hendrickson, Lucy Mericle, Mary Springer, Rita Trager, Jane Wilkinson, and Adrian Coleman.
We finished our year of sports with the usual excitement of baseball games, track meets, tennis matches, and golf games. Many of our senior classmates won scholarships this year. Three were honored by being National Merit Scholarship finalists. They were Lucy Mericle, Paul Brownson, and Carl Parsons. In the honor assembly, six Seniors were given solid gold keys for having a scholastic average of A- or better for four years. These Seniors were Paul Brownson, Kay Chimoskey, Louise Clune, Mary Jane McCool, Rita Trager, and Marlene Sheldon. Honored as the Homemaker of Tomorrow was Barbara Skinner. John Gallagher was selected as the outstanding science student. Sara Perkett and Leo Arthur won the coveted gold Terryberry keys, which are annually presented to the outstanding Senior students. Our 1959 Pep Club, for its special project, raised funds to purchase a granite base for the flagpole at the new school. Those elected to the Bo-Gi Hall of Fame and their respective fields were Leo Arthur, school government; Tom Moran, agriculture; Paul Brownson, National Honor Society; Scott Dean; art; Judy Toerper, cheerleading; Sara Perkett, publications; Linda Mathison, music; Bob Anderson, athletics; Joanie Fisher, clubs; Doug Linder, school citizen; and Wendy Wardell, social activities. We climaxed our busy year with a senior skip day at the sand dunes. All came home tired and sunburned, with thoughts of a wonderful time. Now we are leaving the halls of Central High forever, but we shall take all of these happy memories with us.