Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59'
Traverse City Central High School
Class of 59
Page 2
John (Skip) & Connie Linnerson 8/19

Retired from the Grand Traverse Road Commission.  Have traveled both in the US and abroad.  Enjoy wood working and enjoy time with family.
Gertrude Ellen Montague Morgan 8/19

Married to Ron Johnson for 3 years.  Painting watercolors, traveling and playing golf.
Bob & Deanne Mathews

I retired from Mason County Public Schools in 1998 after thirty years.  Most of those years as the district wide librarian.
I also continue to be the main driving force in Mason County Mothers against drunk driving, a chapter I co-founded in 1988.

Hope to see many at the picnic and the dinner.
Ghost Riders
In The Sky
Nancy Feiker Bolton 8/19

The good news is, I still enjoy traveling, (Spain & Portugal this year) and substitute teaching.

The sad news is, I am taking care of my husband who has Dementia and other health issure. 
Nancy Deceased
Brian & Joanne McGregor  6/19

Here is the update and picture.
We have lived in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for 23 years and love it!  We spend Winters in Naples, Fla.

We have four "children" ranging in age from 50 to 59, 10 Grandchildren and 5 Great Grandchildren under the age of 5 with number 6 on the way.

I retired from the Home Building Business 4 years ago.

Mary Wagamon  8/19

Some more pictures from Mary Wagaman
Maxine Spoor Houts  8/19

T.C. Class of 59

I'm not going to make the "party" again.

I've been retired as postmaster of Fife Lake for 19 years now.  Live on the Manistee River.  This is where its good.  Unfortunately a lot of people are finding that true.

Continued good living and good health

Maxine Spoor Houts
Sara Perkett  8/19

Sorry I never sent anything in.  Tough medical year

Still live outside Boston.  My son and his Vietnamese wife and kids (8,6,5) have moved from Australia to New Hampshire so they're now only an hour away.  My daughter and husband still live in London

Still miss TC so much but just don't seem to get back.  I'll let you all know when I'm in town

Hello to all, Ps. True to form I'm still active in the community

Ron Steele 8/19

Hi Gary,

Sorry we were unable to attend the 60th reunion but thru the pictures on the website it looked very successful and enjoyable.

Speaking of the website, I want to complement and thank you for such a great job of keeping the classmates informed and up to date.

Sally and I have been married 57 years this month and have 4 sons and daughter-in-laws. We also have 9 wonderful grandkids which keep us "somewhat" young.

I retired 21 years ago (where does the time go??) from General Motors as a senior manufacturing engineer and we now enjoy family,traveling and I enjoy my hobby of woodcarving.

Ron Steele

Paul Brownson  8/19

I'm told that I'm dead; might as well be considering how sick I've been with bronchitis, pleurisy, and back pain.
Elliott Weitz
First of all thanks so much for the monthly updates.  It's great to see what's going on with the '59 classmates.

Now, what is going on with me.  In July of 2021 I was diagnosed with Hepatic Cellular Cancer (likely caused by liver cirrhosis which was caused by many years of type II diabetes, I wasn't a big drinker).  In August and September 2021 I had 2 TACE (Chemo embolization) procedures targeting 3 of the 4 tumors detected.  In March 2022 I was due to start immunotherapy, however February 15, 2022 I had a heart attack.

I'd had no prior symptoms (chest pains, angina, etc.) so when I wound up in the ER and they told me heart attack, I was astounded.  Anyway they tried to manage things medically, but after a couple of AFIB events, on March 4 they put in a defibrillator/pacemaker.  No atrial fibrillation since.

I then spent 3 weeks in a rehab facility, then when released moved into an assisted living home.  I was told not to drive anymore, and I could barely walk with a walker.  I still have trouble bathing myself,  My new address is:
11444 N 88th Place
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

The next twist occurred on May 5, I went back to the ER with severe chest pains that lasted over 2 hours.  After the initial heart attack, my cardiologist wanted to hold off doing any repair work on the heart (coronary arteries) until I competed the immunotherapy.  The feeling was that the therapy could impact any stents they might put in, or the blood thinners needed for a year after stunting would preclude the immunotherapy.  During my second stay at the hospital, I had a couple more minor attacks (lots of chest pain that didn't want to go away easily), so I got the cardiologist and oncologist to talk and we figured out that moving forward with a cathetarization procedure (placing stents) would not preclude immunotherapy.  The TACE Procedures didn't knock out the tumors, but stabilized them so we had/have some time to play with.

Long story short, on Friday May 13, I underwent a cathetarization procedure.  My expectation was that I would get 2 stents in 2 arteries, the reality turned out to be 8 stents in 4 arteries.  The end result, my heart is fixed.  Now to regain enough strength to go after the cancer.  I'm currently going to Physical Therapy 3 days a week.  It actually has amazing results.  I haven't started regaining weight, through February and March I lost about 40 lbs (mostly muscle)  I currently weigh about 166.

So, a difficult but somewhat exciting 11 months.  My attitude is good, at 81 I've beaten the odds, and no one that I know lives forever.  I do want some extra time to see the grandkids (Dylan 9 and Sarah 7) grow and develop.  They and their Mom have taken my 13 year old Mini American Shepherd.  I think she likes it there better than living with me LOL.

I hope you all stay healthy for as long as possible.  Assuming that I recover enough to be somewhat more mobile than I currently am, I'd like to get back to TC for a visit.

Best regards,

Sandy Neumann (Ebbage)
Hi everyone, - 7/6/23

I live in Corte Madera, California with my husband John. Our small city is about 20 minutes from San Francisco. It is located in the foothills of Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County.

I am currently retired from the following jobs/organizations: school principal, Director of Education for the Center for Ecoliteracy, Point Blue Conservation Science and consultant to various boards.

For the past nine years, I have been serving as the Co-chair for Health Care For All-Marin. We are part of a movement to get a universal health care system in California. I can only hope I live to see that happen. Life is good.

Be well,
Sandy Neumann (Ebbage)