I'd had no prior symptoms (chest pains, angina, etc.) so when I wound up in the ER and they told me heart attack, I was astounded. Anyway they tried to manage things medically, but after a couple of AFIB events, on March 4 they put in a defibrillator/pacemaker. No atrial fibrillation since.
I then spent 3 weeks in a rehab facility, then when released moved into an assisted living home. I was told not to drive anymore, and I could barely walk with a walker. I still have trouble bathing myself, My new address is:
11444 N 88th Place
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
The next twist occurred on May 5, I went back to the ER with severe chest pains that lasted over 2 hours. After the initial heart attack, my cardiologist wanted to hold off doing any repair work on the heart (coronary arteries) until I competed the immunotherapy. The feeling was that the therapy could impact any stents they might put in, or the blood thinners needed for a year after stunting would preclude the immunotherapy. During my second stay at the hospital, I had a couple more minor attacks (lots of chest pain that didn't want to go away easily), so I got the cardiologist and oncologist to talk and we figured out that moving forward with a cathetarization procedure (placing stents) would not preclude immunotherapy. The TACE Procedures didn't knock out the tumors, but stabilized them so we had/have some time to play with.
Long story short, on Friday May 13, I underwent a cathetarization procedure. My expectation was that I would get 2 stents in 2 arteries, the reality turned out to be 8 stents in 4 arteries. The end result, my heart is fixed. Now to regain enough strength to go after the cancer. I'm currently going to Physical Therapy 3 days a week. It actually has amazing results. I haven't started regaining weight, through February and March I lost about 40 lbs (mostly muscle) I currently weigh about 166.
So, a difficult but somewhat exciting 11 months. My attitude is good, at 81 I've beaten the odds, and no one that I know lives forever. I do want some extra time to see the grandkids (Dylan 9 and Sarah 7) grow and develop. They and their Mom have taken my 13 year old Mini American Shepherd. I think she likes it there better than living with me LOL.
I hope you all stay healthy for as long as possible. Assuming that I recover enough to be somewhat more mobile than I currently am, I'd like to get back to TC for a visit.
Best regards,